
As you descend the rocky mountain, you'll wind up having to first move a boulder out of the way, as it's blocking your path.

Further down you will find an unlit torch which needs to be pushed next to the burning one.  Then move that torch back to it's marked spot to open the gate below.

You've now reached the bottom of the mountain and can move along the beach lined coast.

A guard blocks the way up to Cinder Castle, and says he will only move once all the hostile spitfires have gone away.

Defeat the King Flame and then head back to the guard, who will then let you pass.

You climb up the mountain and find the rest of the path blocked.  The barrier stays open when a nearby button is held down.

The next zone is also blocked, but with a much trickier puzzle.

You've finally arrived to Cinder Castle!

You bump into the maid of the castle, who claims she should be the rightful princess of this kingdom.

After retrieving her favorite item, she is ready to help you in your quest.

Spoilers and Secrets

Hidden cave entrance

Once you've descended the mountain, you'll arrive at a zone with a crack in the wall.  Push the crack and an entrance will appear.  inside there are 3 treasure chests.  Only one chest has a reward, while the other two... not so much.

Boulders and Switches

Here are the solutions for the 2 zones that require boulders to be laid on switches.

Secret tunnel

This boulder just outside Cinder Castle needs a good push to reveal the entrance way to a guardian.

Rest up at the campsite and get ready to solve one more puzzle!
First, light each torch with either the red or blue flame.

Second, light each one with the opposite color, making all flames purple.

Lastly, line the torches up on the red squares to summon the gargoyle!
